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Selling Wholesale During the Holidays

by Arianne Foulks

August 14, 2018 / Updated: January 17, 2023

Emily Kerr-Finell from Wholesale in a Box is back to answer more of your questions about selling wholesale and getting your products into stores for the holidays.

She’s previously shared her advice here on our blog on creating wholesale line sheets and whether you need a wholesale website.

Recently, Emily joined us in our creative business owners’ Facebook group to answer questions about the best timing for wholesale outreach for the holidays, creating holiday-specific items, and incentivizing retailers to place their orders by a certain deadline.

Topics covered:

  • When is too early or too late to do wholesale outreach for the holidays?
  • How can I give myself the best chance of success for wholesale growth this holiday season?
  • How to make it easy for retailers to place an order
  • When to start pitching for Valentine’s Day
  • Creating holiday-specific products
  • Updating your line sheets for the holidays
  • International wholesale orders
  • Incentivizing retailers to order by a certain deadline
  • How many items do I need to be a desirable wholesale partner?

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Full transcript:

Arianne: Hey there everybody, I am Arianne Foulks, and I run Aeolidia, which is a web design studio for creative product-based businesses. And you are here in The Shipshape Collective, which is our community for business owners to help each other outgrowing their business and figuring out all of the crazy things that go into running a business. Today we are talking to Emily Kerr-Finell from Wholesale in a Box, who has helped hundreds of makers grow their wholesale business. I am so excited to have you here today Emily. And I can tell our audience is too because they have so many questions for you. So I would love for you to introduce yourself a bit more and explain what Wholesale in a Box is and how you know all of the stuff you know. And then we can get to everybody’s questions.

Emily: Yeah, thanks for having me. I love The Shipshape Collective, I think it’s the most useful business space on the internet for makers. If you’re new here, hang out and take a look around, because it’s positive and helpful.

Arianne: Thank you.

Emily: Yeah. So Wholesale in a Box, to give you a 20-second overview for anyone who doesn’t know, we help makers get their work into more stores. So we started about three years ago because we kept hearing from makers how time-consuming and overwhelming going wholesale was, especially when you’re a one or two-women shop and you’re doing all of it alone.

So we started really organically, working with a handful of makers. And then over the span of a few years ended up helping over 500 makers with their wholesale business, which has been so rewarding and so exciting to see the personal and financial transformations that come from that kind of growth. So the subscription is, that you get handpicked store profiles for you to introduce your work to, a system for how and when to contact stores, and one-on-one wholesale coaching and support every step along the way.

You can … I wanted to mention to anyone who is going wholesale this holiday season, that we’re actually opening the doors to this free program today called the Holiday Wholesale Jumpstart. So that’s at I’ll put the link in the thread for anyone who wants to check it out. And I know we have a lot of questions today, so if we don’t get to something or you want clarification, always feel free to reach out either on the Facebook thread or directly to us at, and we’re happy to help. But I know we have a lot of questions, so should we jump right in?

Arianne: We do. That is great Emily. That sounds like an awesome service. And it sounds like you work with people who have not done any wholesale before, and also people who have been doing wholesale but want to improve it, is that right?

Emily: Yeah, we work with the whole range, from never sold to a store before, so I’m already in 150 stores but I want to grow.

Arianne: That’s perfect. So I see some people commenting that they’re excited and they want in on the Jumpstart, which is great. Sadly you guys, I cannot in my software see your names right now. But I’ll check it out later, so I hope not to seem impersonal, but the Facebook API is not letting me be personal with you right now.

So, the number one most important question. When is the best timing for wholesale outreach for the holidays, and is there a time that’s too early or too late and you just shouldn’t even bother?

Emily: Yes, it’s a good question. Now is great. Generally, with holiday wholesale outreach, people end up doing it too late, not too early. So July, August, and early September are optimal times. If someone comes to me and they have their stuff ready to go or they have the ability to get their stuff ready to go now, start now, start early.

On the other hand, if it’s October and you feel like you’re way behind the 8-ball and you just can’t get it done, that’s valuable too. And ultimately it’s about taking the long view of cultivating relationships. But if you’re really trying to make the most of this holiday season, the summer is the time.

Arianne: The time to reach out to wholesale buyers.

Emily: Yep.

Arianne: I have a little side question that I thought of while you were saying that, which is I know for instance the NY NOW trade show is happening in August. Do you find that it is better to try to beat people to the trade show, or contact people when they may be in a trade show mindset and thinking about what they’re ordering? Do you have any thoughts on that?

Emily: It can be either. I think in terms of timing, right before or right after, pinpointing the trade show timing, I haven’t really found a really strong pattern around that. If you reach out before, sometimes people say that they’re waiting to see what happens at the trade show and they’ll circle back. On the other hand, sometimes you catch them before they buy at the trade show. So I wouldn’t worry too much about the timing precisely around the trade show.

Arianne: Yeah. But it is good to know that people are definitely in that mindset right now of shopping for holidays.

Emily: They’re in the mindset, yeah. Also, if you’re planning to be at the trade show, combining a trade show with other kinds of outreach can be really effective. So I mean, you’re reaching out … sometimes people reach out through Wholesale in a Box, but then they’ll say, I’m gonna be at NY NOW in August, I’m at booth X, come by and see me. Or they’ll reach out afterward and follow up with people that they met. So it can be a good combo kind of approach.

Arianne: Okay. So my next question here, and again I don’t have names but I promise I’m thinking of you all very lovingly. One of our shipmates asks, how can I give myself the best chance of success for wholesale growth this holiday season?

Emily: Yeah, I think there are a few pieces of it. Probably it depends on whether you’re brand new to wholesale and you’re using the holidays as your time to jump in and get your feet wet, or whether you’re already really well-established. The fundamentals are the same as any kind of wholesale growth, with the addition of timing. So we already talked about the timing piece, early is good. The other pieces are looking at your outreach materials and making them as good as they can be, as efficiently as you can so that you can still work within this period.

Probably now is not the time for overhauling your line if you’re trying to grow this holiday season. But doing things like line refinement, like removing products that aren’t working well or updating a handful of photos that aren’t working well for you, those kinds of … I would say this is a great time to step back, review what’s low hanging fruit in your outreach materials and your line, and then as quickly as you can, start prioritizing the piece of connecting with stores and building those relationships for the holidays.

Arianne: Yeah, that is good advice, especially not trying to do everything at once. We were having a conversation in the group a few weeks ago from someone who wanted to do a trade show but she also wanted to overhaul everything about her brand, and rebrand, and all these crazy things. And we were like, I don’t know if you have time for that, that’s a lot.

Emily: I get it though. I feel like as business owners we feel that way so often. It’s like a never-ending list of things that we want to do and they all feel like top, urgent priority. But you know, write them down and pick the top couple. Doing something and finishing it is always so much more worthwhile than getting stuck and trying to overhaul everything.

Arianne: Yeah, and I find that getting the experience of just trying, even if things aren’t perfect, you’re going to learn so much that you’ll know what to do when you’re working on making things more perfect.

Emily: Right, yes, absolutely.

Arianne: Yeah. So let’s see, we have a question here. What would you recommend is the easiest format for retailers to place an order? A password-protected page on a website, and editable form that is emailed, or something else?

Emily: Yeah, and Arianne if you … so we did a great collaborative article together with Aeolidia a couple months back on this exact topic of do I need a wholesale website? Do I not? Can I send people to my regular site? Do I need a line sheet? How can they order? So check that out, we’ll link to that in the thread below the video.

Arianne: Yeah.

Emily: Short answer is any of the above can work. Go as simple as possible for you. So usually the simplest thing, especially if you have less than 80 to 100 stockists that you’re selling to, which is probably many of the people on the call, is to accept orders via email. Have a strong place where people can review your products online, whether that’s a PDF line sheet or your regular retail website. And then let them just go ahead and place orders via email.

You can also use your regular retail site and do a wholesale coupon code. I know that sounds a little strange, but it’s becoming more and more popular. It works if you have 50% wholesale to retail markup across the board. And then there are some shipping and minimums things that can come up with that, but if you can deal with those three variables, that can work well.

Or, if you feel like, “I just switched to Shopify, it looks great…” Maybe Aeolidia helped you build the site and you’re really proud of it and you just wanna set up a situation where wholesalers can login and place an order, that’s good too, as long as the ordering process is super, super simple. And this is my take on it, as long as people that you’re reaching out to don’t need to create an account just to view your line. Because when you create a situation where they have to create an account to see your products and pricing, it ends up being just too high of a bar for many store owners to jump over. And it’s too big of an obstacle and they don’t end up looking at the line at all.

Arianne: Yeah, that makes sense. So if they just want to browse and are not necessarily ready to commit, it’s good to make that easy for them.

Emily: Yeah. You can think of it like, imagine if you were window shopping and the store owner made you create an account or put your email down just to walk in the store. You’d be concerned probably. I would.

Arianne: Right, you need to sign up for a store card first.

Emily: Exactly.

Arianne: I have a question live right now from somebody asking about the Wholesale in a Box subscription. They want to know if you’ll take a look at where her business is at and provide feedback about her product mix and that kind of thing?

Emily: Yeah, we love to do that.

Arianne: Are you guys that hands-on?

Emily: Yeah. We have a ton of training materials that people love, but we’ve also found there’s no replacement for one-on-one collaboration, feedback, and advice. So all of our makers have a scheduling link to place a call, as much as they want, for a coaching call. Or we get back within one business day to email questions. So yes.

Arianne: That is great. And I have another person here who says yes, with many exclamation points. “I just signed up for Wholesale in a Box last week and it has already been so helpful,” all caps.

Emily: Oh yeah, oh good. We don’t know who you are, but good.

Arianne: We’ll know who you are once we’re done with the call, thank you anonymous commenter. I have another good question for you about the holidays. As retailers deal with the holidays, what’s the best time or approach to start pitching Valentine’s Day?

Emily: Oh I know, this can be so overwhelming for people. It’s like, I’m not even done with the holidays, I’m not even done with holiday production, to send off my store orders, and I’m already behind for Valentine’s. So it’s hard. Obviously, this applies to people like paper goods or really gifty kind of lines that have a specific holiday offering … I mean, sorry Valentine’s.

Arianne: Jewelry.

Emily: Yeah, right, that has a specific Valentine’s Day offer. Yeah, jewelry. I think there are two ways you can go about it. One way, if your Valentine’s collection is more or less ready to go already, one thing that you can do is basically promote both your holiday stuff and your Valentine’s Day stuff from now until the end of the year. So that’s a simple way to do it. They’re both in your line sheet, they’re both there, maybe you mention both of them when you’re reaching out to stores.

Another way that you can do it, because I think for a lot of people it’s like, yeah no, my Valentine’s Day collection is not ready yet, I cannot do that. So if that’s the case, I would just in terms of pure timing, just make sure to not wait until January to start promoting your Valentine’s Day stuff, A. And B, don’t reach out to stores during the two-week period directly around Christmas. They’re too crazy. You can reach … I know it is a busy period, but you can reach out to them between Thanksgiving and December 15th let’s say. That’s not an exact number, but you can to introduce your Valentine’s line. So just stay away from Christmas, don’t wait til January, consider promoting Valentine’s and holiday at the same time.

Arianne: Yeah, I think that makes sense. And you might get Valentine’s orders at the last minute, but that doesn’t mean you want to hold off on promoting it until the last minute.

Emily: That’s right. Yep, exactly.

Arianne: So while we’re on that topic, is it advisable to create holiday-specific items?

Emily: It depends who you are. I feel like I most often get this question from people who are just starting. And if you’re just starting my answer is probably not. Okay, first let’s divide everybody into two groups. Your group is the people that we were just talking about who have paper good lines or very, very specifically holiday-linked lines. Yes, you need holiday stuff. You can’t be a card company and not have Christmas-related cards for instance.

For other people, let’s say you make home goods. And let’s say you’re pretty new. In that case, to do all of the product development, product photography, line sheet creation, to do all of that well right now, to add holiday-themed items, is usually not feasible or worth it. It’s usually better to focus on the line that you already have, especially if you’re newer, and focus on framing and promoting that line in a holiday context. Maybe pulling out individual pieces that you think could be great for the holidays, even if they’re not specifically holiday pieces.

So speaking to that piece of things, for stores, without having to launch a whole new product is usually the way to go unless you’re like, “I’ve been selling this line for 20 years, it does great, I have the bandwidth to launch something new…” In that case, that could be good. But for most people it’s about framing and speaking to the line you already have in the seasonal context.

Arianne: Yeah, that makes sense. So I have another live comment about your services. I think these ones are good to take while we really have you here to answer them directly. This person wants to know if you offer email templates or phone scripts to reach out to buyers?

Emily: We … so email templates yes-ish. So we’ve found that when you’re reaching out to stores when it’s in your voice, when it’s in your tone and your writing style, it works much better than if you’re using a cut-and-dry template from somewhere else. So what we give is a guide, a checklist, examples of great emails and not-so-great emails. We’ll even rewrite or copy-edit your email for you or with you. But you’re ultimately the one that’s drafting that email with our input and guidance.

Phone scripts we don’t do. Very, very rarely will a store owner prefer phone as their contact method. Usually they prefer email, sometimes snail mail, very rarely phone. So we don’t focus on what to say on the phone, although there is a post on our blog, on our website, on if you do need to call a store, because sometimes they do prefer that, what could you say, and how not to panic if you do need to call a store. So that’s free and on our website.

Arianne: How not to panic as a business owner is always a good thing.

Emily: Yeah, I feel like I want to title every blog post, How Not to Panic About X.

Arianne: Yeah, I think we just need a whole page on our websites, how not to panic. I can write a page about how not to panic when selling ecommerce and you can write a page about how not to panic when doing wholesale.

Emily: Exactly.

Arianne: I think that sounds like a much better service to me than having email templates because you guys serve so many makers that you wouldn’t want retailers to start getting the same email over and over again from multiple people.

Emily: Yes exactly.

Arianne: You want to get different things from different people.

Emily: Right.

Arianne: I have a good question here live about shipping. When is the best time to ship holiday product? She says, I may start reaching out to shops with my holiday products in August, but I may not actually have the product yet. So when do they expect to get the shipment?

Emily: They expect to get the shipment according to the turnaround time that you set in your wholesale terms. So this is me being an advocate for one of my other things, which is to have very clear wholesale terms that are present and clear from the first moment that you contact the store. And part of those wholesale terms should be, what’s your turnaround time, how do you ship, how long does shipping take. And then you just stick with that. If a store owner wants something different, so if they see your turnaround time is four weeks and we’re only in August and they don’t actually want the shipment until November first, they can feel free to let you know. But otherwise, you should just adhere to what you promise in your terms.

Arianne: Yeah, that makes sense. And I have a similar timing question here. Someone asked, I’m considering offering an incentive to retailers to place their holiday orders before a certain date. Is before September 30 too early, too late, too weird?

Emily: Yeah, no this was a good question, I remember seeing this one. I think that if you have the margin for it, which this question asker actually clarified she did have the margin for it, an incentive could be great. It’s a nice to have, it’s not a must to have, it’s not something you need to do to be competitive. But if you can do it, offering free shipping or offering 10% off can both be wonderful. And I think it does help for a store owner to be like, I was debating between these two lines, but then one offers free shipping, I’ll go with this one. So it’s a nice thing to do.

In terms of the timing of it, September 30th I think would be a little late for an early bird incentive. You might want to do … for the holidays you might want to do something more like latest mid-September, maybe even September 1st if you were gonna say, “if you’re ordering early you get this incentive.” Because by late September it’s already kind of normal ordering time.

Arianne: Okay, that is good to know. I have somebody asking about packaging. It sounds like she’s going in person to some stores, and she wants to know if packaging is important. “I do have a matte black box and a faux suede pouch for it.” Is that something stores look for as well? And she clarifies that prices start at $149, so she knows it won’t be sitting on a “twirly rack” or anything like that.

Emily: She didn’t say what kind of product she has, did she?

Arianne: Not yet. But commenter who’s going to the coastal town, if you could pop back in and let us know the type of product, we could be more specific. And I can just fill in for a second saying that we have definitely heard from retailers that packaging can be one of the most important things about your product. In fact, somebody once told us that the packaging matters more than what’s inside it in many cases. So I would say that in general that is important to think about.

Emily: Yeah, I agree. I agree 100%. I think that if you’re a maker who doesn’t have great packaging, it doesn’t need to be an obstacle. And if your product is gorgeous and the price is good, and you have the other pieces in place, you can still succeed at wholesale. And we see people do that every day. But if you have great packaging and you can offer it affordably, it’s wonderful … it’s just one more … it’s kind of like what we were just talking about with free shipping. It’s one more great thing that you can offer stores that lowers the risk for them and lets them know that once this is on the shelf this is gonna move for me and they’ll have that confidence in your product.

Arianne: Yeah. Our original commenter is running off to get a picture. I am not 100% sure I’ll be able to see a picture here in our video broadcasting software, so just a type of product could be pretty cool. An example I like to use for packaging is bath and body products. If you have lotion, the lotion really isn’t anything to your customer until you package it. It’s just a blob of goo to me. To be a little rude to lotion. I mean, if you had three different kinds of lotion sitting in plain white packaging, I feel like customers wouldn’t even know what to do there. But once you add that packaging and you decide if it’s illustrated, or if it’s classic and luxurious, they start to understand if it’s for them or not. So depending on your product, packaging can really make or break it.

And then if you sell anything that is at all not self-explanatory, it’s really helpful to have packaging explain how to use it or who it’s for. One example that comes to mind, we have a blog post about this so I should stick a link in there for you. We had a client – HipCity Sak – who created a little kid’s, it was like a waist pouch, like a small bag, kind of a fanny pack sort of thing. But it also clipped on and off and it had all these different features that weren’t apparent by glancing at it. So it was really important to make packaging that first drew people in so they would understand what it was, and then when they flip it over they can learn a little bit more about what age of kid it is for, or how you use it, how you snap the accessories on and off.

So your packaging can be a good stand-in for you, when you’re not able to be there to explain it to the customer, especially if you’re used to doing things like craft fairs where you get to talk to people about how it works. You just don’t get to be there when your stuff is in the store, so it’s nice to make sure you’re putting your best foot forward.

Let’s see here. Okay, I’ve got some comments happening. Okay, I have somebody asking about candles. She says, candles are very popular for the holiday season and most of the potential stores I’ve been reaching out to told me they already have candle lines. How can she make a difference when she’s reaching out?

Emily: Well, it’s tricky. You know, I think when a store owner says that they already have enough of X category, sometimes that means that they just couldn’t … they love your line and they couldn’t possibly buy more of that thing. And something like candles you can only have so many of in the store without feeling like the lines are hurting each other, for sure.

Other times, it’s a polite way of saying that your product is not a good enough fit for them to effectively replace a different line that they have, or add it to the store. Because if a store owner’s crazy about what you’re doing, they will often either add or replace to something else that they have, because it’s … for them when they add something new, that’s a draw to bring in new customers.

There are categories that are more crowded than others like candles, jewelry, and stationery. They’re all product categories that are more competitive than others because there are just more makers in those categories. And so when you hear store owners say that, if you’re getting overall orders, orders are coming in and people are excited about what you’re doing, I wouldn’t worry about it too much. That’s just part of the process.

If you’re really not getting any orders and you’re just hearing that over and over again, I would personally take the risk of trying to dig a little bit deeper with this store, if it’s a store that you think could be a really awesome fit. And just say, I so respect your time. Also, would you be open to giving me some brutal feedback about what you could see being more useful or better in my line for this store (outside of how many lines you already carry). And asking a handful of stores, that can be really helpful if you’re starting to get the feeling that it’s every store you reach out to that already has enough candles.

Arianne: Yeah, that is great. And I love the advice for getting brutal feedback just in general.

Emily: I know.

Arianne: Brutal feedback can be so helpful. If you are able to separate yourself a bit from your business where it doesn’t feel so personal, I’ve just been writing an article about this. I like to think of my business as a lifetime science experiment. And I have finally gotten to the point where I don’t take things super personally if somebody’s upset about something we’ve done, or some way that we have communicated something. I like to try to just think to myself, how interesting, I hadn’t thought of it that way. I wonder what I could do differently next time.

So if you’re able to just really brace yourself or gird your loins or whatever and ask somebody for brutal feedback and then actually, instead of getting discouraged, take that feedback and do something new and different with it, you can really do amazing things with your business.

Emily: I think that is so well said and so important. And some people get really lucky from the start and they pick just the right product, at just the right time, and just the right packaging. But most of the rest of us need to experiment and need to get that feedback, feel the sting, and then make the changes to make it even better for sure. So I love that. I can’t wait to read the article.

Arianne: Even after 14 years, we ask every single one of our clients, what was a pleasant surprise about working with Aeolidia? What was an unpleasant surprise about working with Aeolidia? And then instead of just reading it and weeping, we try and act on everything that we get, and it’s really been so helpful in growing our business.

Emily: I love that.

Arianne: You guys, we have a million questions here and we definitely are not gonna be able to get to them all. Some of these questions are really good. If we’re not answering your question it is not because it was a bad question, it’s just because we have an overwhelming amount of questions here. And they’re popping in all the time. I love you guys, thank you.

I saw a few people ask this one, so we’re gonna try to answer it. How many items do I need to be a desirable wholesale partner? Although I’m certain the answer is it depends on the type of business you have, but maybe just a little guidance for some types of businesses you see regularly, Emily.

Emily: Yeah. Probably fewer than you think. One to two can be a challenge, but if you’re somewhere in the three to 15 products range, you’re probably good if the products are amazing. Usually, people are good in terms of this, and need to focus more on the products themselves being amazing, more so than having a really extensive line.

Arianne: Yeah, and I think there are definitely types of businesses where that’s different. I’m pretty sure stationery businesses need to have quite a few more cards than 15 for example.

Emily: Yes, good point, yes, yes.

Arianne: So think about what people do in your industry and maybe see if there are any guidelines for things such as trade shows and things like that, to sort of get the idea of what makes sense for you. I happen to know for stationery for example, it’s really important to have not only quite a few types of cards, but there are specific types. They’re really looking for a variety and you need thank you cards and birthday cards. You can’t not have cards for certain holidays.

Emily: Right.

Arianne: So it’s important to consider what stores want to carry.

Emily: Perfect, yes. Thanks for drawing out the stationery, yep.

Arianne: Yeah, I think that one’s maybe a little bit of an oddball. Okay, I’m trying to see if I can pull out one final question or … oh, this is an interesting one. On the topic of competing or overcrowded categories, would it help to include numbers to prove sales? So is it helpful to indicate to wholesalers that you do have a large following and people really want to buy your stuff?

Emily: Yes, it is helpful. You have to do it subtly. So a little word-smithing there can go a really long way and we can help you with that if you’re somebody that already works with us. But yes, saying something along the lines of, the stores we currently work with have found X and Y. It’s flying off the shelves. It’s selling $1,500 plus a month, month over month. So pulling out some of those evidence pieces can be really helpful if it does sell really well.

Arianne: Yeah, and if you phrase that in the way where you’re giving them some advice on what’s a great thing to buy from you. You’re not bragging, you’re helping them make their order.

Emily: Yep, exactly.

Arianne: Okay, so for some reason I have scheduled all of these videos to go on garbage day in my neighborhood. So if you hear a lot of clunking in the background, the garbage truck is coming past right now, I apologize. Let’s do one more holiday question and then wrap up here. So someone asked if it is best to add a holiday-themed page to their line sheet, which is currently about seven pages, or send the line sheet and a one-page holiday-themed mini line sheet? So a little addition.

Emily: Yep, you can do either. I’m usually a proponent of having one attachment, one thing that people need to open. Because if you attach two things, you risk that they’ll only open one of them. So probably put it in your main line sheet, unless you’re really just trying to get … unless your holiday line is amazing, spectacular, and you really want people to order that, then I might separate it out to really put a spotlight on it. But usually it should be in the main line sheet.

Arianne: Yeah, that makes sense. Okay, this has been wonderful and so helpful. What if we each offered a last-minute “don’t panic” piece of advice. So I think my don’t panic piece of advice would be, things don’t have to be perfect. I think what’s more important than perfection is just your enthusiasm about your own business and excitement about what you’re doing, because that will translate over to the people you’re talking to and they’ll get excited too because excitement is contagious. So don’t be perfect, just be really into what you’re doing.

Emily: I love that advice. That’s probably … we could have just said that and the whole video would have been worth it. That’s great.

Arianne: Forget the details, just don’t panic.

Emily: I would say my piece of advice is similar. Which is, take the long view. You’re trying to grow your business over two and three and five and ten years. And so look at it, as Arianne said, as a process of experimentation and growth. And even if this month or next month you don’t grow in the ways that you want to, try to process what you’re learning so that you can grow in following months and years in the ways that you want to.

Arianne: Yeah, you don’t have to get it right all at once. That was a great answer, and I just sprung that one on you. Quick thinking on the feet. Okay, thank you so much Emily. Where can people find you if they want to learn more about you? Can you remind us too about your offers today for people who joined us midway through, and where people can find those?

Emily: Yes. So generally you can find us at, we have a ton of free resources on our website. We have a free wholesale training center, and there’s a lot of stuff on our blog. So go poke around there. There’s a free email course you can sign up for that people rave about, thankfully.

The thing that we’re launching today, which is gonna be so fun and is gonna be really helpful is called the Holiday Wholesale Jumpstart. It’s at Check it out, it’s totally free. So if you’re really looking to grow and to focus, it might be for you, and we’d love to have you.

Arianne: That is great, I love it. And we will pop some links into the comments here to direct you towards some of the stuff that we had more details about, like product packaging, and I know there were a couple other things that you had, Emily.

Emily: Perfect.

Arianne: And to find me, anybody who has joined us from Emily’s group, you can go to, which is A-E-O-L-I-D-I-A dot com. And we also have a ton of free resources for people on The Shipshape Collective page. So if you click over to resources you can join our mailing list, where I send a weekly email that usually has some actionable advice for you to use to grow some aspect of your online presence. And everybody’s favorite thing is the 30-page PDF that I wrote recently about how to get more traffic to your site and then get more sales out of that traffic, which is what probably 80% of people ask me every day, so I put it all together for you. So I hope you will join us both and grow your businesses. And good luck to everybody who is reaching out to wholesalers this summer.

Emily: Yes, thank you so much Arianne for having us.

Arianne: Thank you Emily.

Emily: Okay, thanks everyone.

Arianne: See you guys later.

Emily: Bye.

Arianne: Bye.

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