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Rebranding ROI: Will a New Logo and Brand Design Pay For Itself?

by Arianne Foulks

March 23, 2021
Salve packaging design for a natural apothecary line.

What kind of return on investment might your logo redesign project show? Let’s talk rebranding ROI for small creative businesses.

It seems obvious that if you improve your website, you’ll make more money. If it’s easier and more compelling to shop, customers will shop more! But what about your logo and brand identity? Too often, I see business owners hesitate to invest in this step, because it’s not obvious that hiring a brand designer will have a positive financial impact.

I know that designing a professional logo is a project that will pay for itself, but instead of listening to me, let’s listen to some business owners who have been there. I reached out to some lovely people who we’ve had the pleasure of designing brands for, and asked them outright if the rebrand made them money or not.

Want to see what they told me?

Twig + Tale Renames and Rebrands For a 530% Increase In Sales

Twig and Tale Logo and brand identity for downloadable sewing patterns shop

Lisa designs and sells woodland inspired sewing patterns for both adult and children’s clothing, and delightful designs for imaginary play. She came to us when she was ready to rebrand her business with a new name, professional logo and copywriting, all of which should create the feeling of a lifestyle around the brand.

What pain point pushed you to rebrand?

Our website was a stock template, and however much we tried we couldn’t get it to look as it did in our imaginations. Our digital PDF sewing patterns were not being showcased in the way they deserved, and we knew it was time to call the experts in. The result was transformative, now our entire brand looks as gorgeous as the patterns themselves. Our website now feels like a storybook inspired world, and customers can find a magical space to let imaginations run wild!

The rebrand included a name change from ‘Big Little’ to ‘Twig and Tale’ which we were a little hesitant about at first, but has proven well worth it. We had much to and fro over this and the subsequent twig logo, as communicating the picture that we had in our heads was quite tricky; but we finally had the A-ha Moment and came to a logo that was perfect and solved our other pain point – creating a e-commerce site for our sewing patterns for both children and adults, that is gender neutral, and somewhat magical but yet not cutesy.

The production of brand guidelines has made our brand so much stronger.  It is also much faster to produce content as styling is simpler – we pick from the themes that have been specially created for us with cohesive colours, and fonts etc. The design of our new website (which took place some time after the re-brand) made us concentrate on the re-organisation of our business set up, and helped make work-flows better.

Were there any obvious changes to how people perceived your brand after rebranding?

Yes! We had a big reaction. When we first mentioned there was a name change coming, we were sent many messages of dismay and disbelief. “Why would you want to do that? We love you as you are!” However, once we re-launched, the feedback we received from our customers was overwhelmingly positive! The new name and branding was a better version of what our customers knew and loved – it was as if we had realised the version of what everyone had in their hearts, and it was better than we imagined it could be.

We gained confidence, and were able to present the company in different situations, knowing that we had this great presence behind us. The rebrand and new website gave us gravitas, and as a result relationships opened up. Collaborations were much easier to get off the ground, and people started approaching us.

If rebranding was something that had a monetary return on investment for you, could you share what changes you saw?

The difference between night and day! Our brand took off, and we haven’t looked back. Figures from the 2 months prior and post rebrand show dramatic change, a 530% increase in sales; a 613% increase in sessions and a 438% increase in orders. In less than 2 months our rebrand investment had paid for itself.

It didn’t stop there, it has continued to expand exponentially. The re-brand has played a large part in that, as has our marketing which has in turn been made easier by the re-brand.  Win-win!

Interestingly, the rebrand has extended our geographic reach too. Our sales were predominantly to the US and Canada prior to the rebrand, however, afterwards we noticed an expansion into Europe and Australia.

Whispering Willow Rebrands, ROI is Over 20% Growth

Whispering Willow logo design for natural apothecary line
Whispering Willow products

Whispering Willow is a handcrafted apothecary product line that prides itself on being sustainable, natural, and beautiful.

What pain point pushed you to rebrand?

There was nothing wrong with our brand before. People were responding to it. We received frequent compliments and we were growing our wholesale base. But, we knew it could be better. Julia had done all our design work at that point (and she is definitely not a designer). Her capabilities were maxed out. We had a vision for what we wanted our brand to be, but no ability to move forward with it, so we knew we had to tag in some experts.

Whispering Willow packaging design for natural apothecary line

Were there any obvious changes to how people perceived your brand after rebranding?

Definitely. We are seen as higher quality and more professional. Our products just generally look better in a photo or on a shelf.

If rebranding was something that had a monetary return on investment for you, could you share what changes you saw?

We announced our rebrand at the very end of a year and launched the new branding in January. Our sales for the rebrand year grew 40%+ over the prior year. It is hard for us to separate how much of our growth during that time was due strictly to the rebrand as we were steadily delving into the wholesale market; however, our typical growth had been around 20% year over year. With that in mind, we feel confident that the rebrand played a significant role in our success.

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Deliciae’s 820% Rebranding ROI

Deliciae logo and brand identity for cake decorating supply shop
Deliciae baking supplies

Fueled by a love for sugar art and floral design, Deliciae provides the most innovative, professional-quality baking tools and ingredients for modern home bakers, hobbyists, and small businesses.

What pain point pushed you to rebrand?

As an online store with only a digital presence, we wanted to find a way to portray a certain image and be able to do business with the right clientele. Rebranding has helped us portray this image and attract the best customers for our business model.

Were there any obvious changes to how people perceived your brand after rebranding?

We found that rebranding helped add more credibility to our business and helped to secure strategic partnerships with vendors and service providers in addition to better relationships and repeat business from customers.

If rebranding was something that had a monetary return on investment for you, could you share what changes you saw?

This has resulted in an ROI of 426% in year 1 and 820% in year 2.

Primerry Develops a Brand, Adds 2000 Members

Primerry logo reversed
Primerry art kits

Primerry offers a rich art experience from the convenience of your own home that encourages your child to draw, paint and use mixed media, by offering weekly online art classes that teach kids how to draw & paint.

What pain point pushed you to rebrand?

My business Deep Space Sparkle has been serving art teachers for over a decade and we were ready to add a product for busy parents as well.  Because Deep Space Sparkle is well known in the educator space, we felt that parents needed a simplified approach to helping set up an art experience at home, especially if they had little interest in doing the “teaching.” We knew that our goal of communicating to parents how effortless bringing art in the home could be, meant that a new brand was necessary in order to communicate our intentions.

I hoped for a fresh identity, bright colors and a name that would be compatible with Deep Space Sparkle but different at the same time. It was an overwhelming and quite frankly, an impossible process for me to tackle alone. I reached out to Aeolidia and from the first interaction, I knew I was in great hands.

Primerry brand icons

Were there any obvious changes to how people perceived your brand after rebranding?

Ironically, we didn’t introduce the brand until a year after the brand package was complete. We were fussing around with it, not making decisions until the pandemic hit. It was during this time that the need for an art at home program became absolutely essential. We were able to springboard very quickly (less than 6 weeks) into creating an art membership site for families using the Primerry branding. All of the considerations, the avatar, the colors, the name… were already done (and carefully considered) before we dove into creating the Primerry website (with Aeolidia of course!)

I can’t tell you how happy I was to be able to jump right into creating the content for the membership site. It was effortless because of the work we did with Aeolidia.

If rebranding was something that had a monetary return on investment for you, could you share what changes you saw?

Having a separate brand for our art at home division for parents was a essential for the launch of Primerry. It helped delineate our two membership offerings with intention and clarity. Since last June, when we launched Primerry, we’ve had close to two thousand members join. It’s been an absolute privilege for me to step in front of a camera and teach art to children again.

Because of the membership success, we have plans for more Primerry offerings. The brand just keeps inspiring me to create. It’s so beautiful, fresh and a perfect representation of what I want to share with the world.

Modern Merrigold Renames and Rebrands to Increase Sales 1300%

Modern Merrigold's jewelry

Mary Wood designs minimalist, personalized jewelry for the modern, fun-loving woman. For the gal who loves kicking around town in her comfy, broken-in jeans and cute graphic tee, Mary’s designs have become a go-to for adding a hint of sparkle to complete an outfit.

What pain point pushed you to rebrand?

The main pain point for me was that I felt I had a “forgettable” brand – everything from the name, logo, and the lack of a memorable visual brand identity was what prompted me to make a big change. Add in the fact that e-commerce shopping accelerated at an exponential pace during 2020 thanks to the pandemic and I knew that if I didn’t do something fairly drastic, my brand would quickly be lost in the massive sea of e-commerce businesses and I’d likely eventually close my virtual doors.

Were there any obvious changes to how people perceived your brand after rebranding?

Definitely. Our customers love the colorful, happy vibe and we continuously get compliments and praise on our new packaging. Our brand feels 100% more “put together” and professional, and that makes a big difference in how the rest of the world perceives us. I believe that it elevated the business from a hobby/side hustle vibe to a trusted & reliable e-commerce brand.

If rebranding was something that had a monetary return on investment for you, could you share what changes you saw?

Our business changed a lot financially after the rebrand, for the better! The more cohesive brand identity made our advertising decisions more strategic and straightforward and as a result, our sales on our Shopify website as a whole for 2020 were up more than 600%. So far this year (2021) our sales for Q1 are up more than 1300% over Q1 2020 (WOW!).

The rebrand of Modern Merrigold Jewelry Co was the best business decision I’ve ever made. As a small business owner, there is always work to do to continuously improve the brand but I feel that this put us so much further ahead than where we were a year ago and we could have never gotten there without assistance from Aeolidia.

Is It Time For Your Business to Invest in Professional Brand Design?

My goal is for your rebranding project to have a great ROI and pay for itself.

If you’re having a hard time gaining traction for your business, your brand may be holding you back. No matter what you’re going to do next, your logo and branding are the keystone that holds everything together. Your website design, your marketing materials, your social media posts, your product packaging or unboxing experience — all these are customer-facing, and all will be informed by the brand identity.

Is your brand building you up, or holding you back? Is this your year? Just contact us here so I can send you pricing and a link to schedule a call.

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