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Shopify Website In a Week: How Our Service Works

by Arianne Foulks

May 2, 2023 / Updated: May 22, 2024
Website In a Week for Carolina Flowers
Website In a Week for Carolina Flowers
UPDATE: Our Website In a Week service has been replaced with our Simple Shopify Design service, a more thorough project. Contact us to ask about the differences.

We’ve learned a lot over a year of creating Shopify Website In a Week projects. We’ve made some improvements and added some upgrades. I’d love to share more about how this service works. There are a lot of reasons you may need to set a Shopify site up — and quickly! Maybe you’re already on Shopify, and frustrated with your site (is it slow, clunky, using a “vintage theme,” doesn’t work well on mobile devices?). Maybe your site looks plain, and needs to be adjusted to make your business look as vibrant as it truly is. If your conversion rate is low, your Shopify theme may be holding you back. If you could use some help from my industry-expert team, let’s take a week to make some real change for your business!

This service is for you if you have a Shopify site with the features you need, and want to get it up to date with a fast, modern, Shopify Online Store 2.0 theme. While doing this, we’ll design it to match your brand, look more professional, and make more sales. What we will do is build or redesign your website by applying your branding to our favorite premium Shopify theme.

Here’s what you’ll get with a Shopify Website In a Week:

  • A well-designed website using Aeolidia’s user experience (UX) best practices, developed using our two decades of ecommerce experience. You’ll bypass the common mistakes we see on websites over and over. You’ll get a site that’s more likely to convert visitors to customers.
  • A completely modern site using Shopify’s latest Online Store 2.0, making your site faster and more flexible for you to edit.
  • Our help making sure everything on your end (your settings, products, collections, and content) adheres to best practices and is set up correctly.
  • All the tutorials and guides we give to to Aeolidia clients that hire us to create fully custom sites.
  • All this done quickly, leaving you time to run your business!
  • Two weeks of email support for questions and tech issues.

Here’s what you’ll need for a Shopify Website In a Week:

  • A Shopify site that’s up and running for customers and generally working the way you want it to. If you don’t have one now (for instance, you’d like to move from another ecommerce platform), you can start the project by getting yourself completely set up on Shopify with their base theme, then we’ll come in and make everything just right.
  • A complete brand identity (see example below). If you don’t have this, let’s start with a brand design day (another quick and affordable offering to go along with this)! You’ll need:
    • a main logo
    • alternate logos for different applications
    • typography (webfonts for body, headlines, and feature text)
    • a color palette
    • encouraged, but optional: graphic elements to make your site special, which could include seamlessly repeating patterns, illustrations, and/or icons
Wildship Studio quick brand guide
Example of the brand identity details for Wildship Studio – these help us design an on-brand site

This is your time investment:

  • Week one: preparation work and call with your designer
  • Week two: this is Website Week! You’ll spend one intensive day communicating with your designer, one day getting help from your developer, and then prep the site to launch
  • Weeks three and four: finishing up anything you’d like to adjust on your end, as well as getting two weeks of support from us

When things are straightforward, and you’re all ready on your end, we can launch a site in a week.

No worries if you need a bit more time, though. Many people use the two weeks of support time before launch, instead of after, to get our team’s help. You may want to spend time on your end doing things like creating new collections, formatting/adding photos to collections for mega menus, standardizing photos, updating accordion info, etc.

Here are two Website In a Week examples:

Want to see what a big difference these projects make? Take a look at these “website in a week” case studies that show a before and after and walk through some of what we did and why:

View post: A Shopify Website In a Week For An Artist

Sommer Letter Co. Shopify Website In a Week
A Shopify website in a week for a stationery brand, Sommer Letter Co.

View post: Let’s Build You a Website In a Week.

The Cornrow Website In a Week
The Cornrow Website In a Week project for a home and lifestyle brand.

Is this a good fit for you?

Aeolidia creates fully custom sites over 5-8 months. With a custom site, we can do a lot for you and create a site that works just how you want it to, including all kinds of special features for different business models. The “Website In a Week” service is meant for business owners that don’t have complicated needs, unusual business models, or special sections of the site.

This project won’t be a good fit for you if you need help with:

  • Customizable products with many options or that need a preview tool
  • Subscription boxes
  • Enough SKUs or product collections that would require a full navigation strategy meeting with our team
  • A special business model (fabric yardage, wholesale, pickup and delivery options, digital products, selling classes or services)
  • Design of complicated pages on the site (portfolios, portals, timelines, calendars, stockists lists)

It’s okay if you have any of the above, if it’s already set up and doesn’t need changes, but we can’t step in and modify the look or functionality of these things in a week. For more complex projects, let’s talk about our custom website design or retainer services (read on for info about that).

What if you want something more complicated?

Good news! We’re able to upgrade this service to build in more specialized features, custom pages, or work on additional strategy. We can also help you grow traffic to it. Your quick website redesign can be a strong foundation for building something over time that will serve your unique business.

Here are some of the upgrades we offer to this service:

  • Brand Design Day: to flesh out your existing logo into a full brand to style the site
  • Traffic Upgrade: add our Klaviyo Foundations email marketing service and prep for the new site with an SEO consult
  • Website In a Week Plus: add home page and about page copywriting, a custom designed informational page, and choose design and/or functionality updates from our menu of recommendations.

We can mix and match any of the upgrades above to work for you.

Let’s do this now! Get rates for Website In a Week, and all of our other services below:

Get instant access to our rate sheet, and a link to schedule a call.

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