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Let’s Build You a Website in a Week

by Arianne Foulks

September 29, 2022
The Cornrow Website In a Week
The Cornrow Website In a Week project.

We are flipping out over how well our new Website In a Week projects are going! It’s our new favorite thing. If you could use a new website, a quick website refresh, or know anyone whose website is looking a bit outdated, here’s a sneak peek at how we can help.

I recorded a video for you, showing our recent project for The Cornrow. I scroll through the full homepage before and after, and describe the changes we made and why. 

Here’s what we like about these projects:

Working Together in Real Time

We start with a design call, then we get to talk to you in real-time over email or in Slack, as the design progresses, and we have the flexibility to hop on calls with you throughout the day. There is no downtime during these projects. It’s all momentum, and the energy is high all day!

New and Established Businesses Win

We are vastly improving websites in no time at all, which should have a substantial impact on sales. Those of you working with us on these projects either have outdated sites, sites that aren’t on Shopify, or sites using an out-of-the-box theme. The difference is like night and day. If you’re starting a new business, this is a wonderful way to get started. If it’s time for a refresh, we’ve got you.

Quick Payoff

We conservatively expect to see an overall conversion rate increase of 15-25% when re-theming a site that is not optimized for conversions or mobile users. These projects are going to pay off pretty quickly, depending on your traffic volume. And they’re a fantastic foundation for everything you do next.

Near-Instant Gratification

This project is easy for you to fit into your schedule. Instead of weeks or months trying to get your website in shape while juggling everything else you do, you really only need to set aside one day, and then there’s no waiting — we launch the site, and your customers can start using it right away — instant gratification. We are getting 10/10 scores on all of these projects. Our clients feel great about them!

See a Website In a Week Case Study

Lara from the Cornrow, who we launched in August, said we could share her feedback and her “before and after” with you. See how this project went:

The Cornrow Before:

The Cornrow website before working with Aeolidia
The Cornrow website before working with Aeolidia.


The Cornrow After:

The Cornrow website after working with Aeolidia.
The Cornrow website after working with Aeolidia.

What a difference! Which would you be more likely to purchase from?

Here’s the feedback Lara shared after her project:

I feel this satisfied with the overall experience of working with Aeolidia: 10 / 10

I feel this satisfied with the end product(s) I received: 10 / 10

I am expecting to get a good return on my investment: 10 / 10

A pleasant surprise about working with Aeolidia was: How friendly and helpful everyone was. Felt very comfortable asking questions and always received helpful answers

Would you recommend us to a friend? Yes

If you would recommend us to a friend, please include a few sentences below as a testimonial. If not, please use this space to share why not. The Aeolidia team did wonderful work on my website. They had a very thorough process with a clear evaluation of what was needed upfront and lots of support documents. We used the website in a week service which was speedy and thorough and we are very happy with our new site. I would use Aeolidia again in a heartbeat. Thank you very much Aeolidia.

An unpleasant surprise about working with Aeolidia was: none

What we could have done to make your project with us even better: an add on service might be helpful - eg option to add on design of an extra page or custom feature

It is so satisfying to me that we can make this kind of big change for a business owner with a quick turnaround and great communication.

So, guess what? We have a few spots available to do this for you before November. We have calls scheduled with several people asking about these spots, so please don’t delay if you’re thinking about it.

This is the kind of thing you should be jumping on, because:

  1. It’s an amazing opportunity – our website projects last year cost more and took longer. For $7500 today, you get 3 weeks of help from my team of industry experts (2 weeks post-launch for questions), and the peace of mind that comes with knowing that all the important details have been set up correctly.
  2. Businesses that freeze spending and growth are just not going to be the ones thriving on the other side of whatever the economy throws at us. We saw this during the pandemic lockdowns as well. The business owners that invested, improved, and pivoted were the ones that are doing well right now. Many shops didn’t make it through that time.

We’re here to help you strengthen your business. All of your marketing and advertising efforts will have a better return if your site is trustworthy, engaging, understandable, and easy to use. You could be marketing that new site in the next couple of weeks!

Shall we build you a website in a week?

You’ll instantly get our rate sheet and a link to schedule your call

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