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Freshie & Zero Website Redesign

by Arianne Foulks

March 25, 2014

Freshie & Zero website redesign before and after

Freshie & Zero before the website redesign

We just love the dramatic before and after of this website redesign for a jewelry brand, Freshie & Zero. Beth got in touch with us last fall about redesigning her logo and creating a new website for her that would be lovely, professional, and easy to use. She said:

My current website is not very functional on the back end – I’m sure there is a lot of broken html going on and my Trustwave scans come back with a problem every month that I do not know how to fix. I can’t easily update my prices all at once – everything is done on a page by page basis other than bulk uploading background images and side menu headers. I did it myself and it is overall not bad looking and gets me sales, but I wish I had the social media functionality as well (pin it buttons, Facebook, etc). I would hope the new site would be very easy to update product info, price, etc. I would also love to be able to offer a wholesale login page where customers could view wholesale pricing and maybe even order. I also would like to better be able to track my traffic – some of that is set up but I don’t have it on every page so it’s not always useful.

I want what everyone wants – the most bang for my buck! The thought of spending thousands makes me cringe, but I have been putting this off forever. I am hoping to stay on the lowest end of your budget as possible but I am also interested in a logo refresh so I know that will add additional cost.

Here is Beth’s original website:

Freshie & Zero before website redesign

The website worked, but it was clearly “homemade,” and had lots of room for improvement. You can see that the product page, below, was a bit confusing, with “add to cart” buttons that don’t really look like buttons, and photos scattered all over. Customers don’t want to spend time figuring out how to use your site, so it’s best to keep everything straightforward.

Freshie & Zero product page website redesign by Aeolidia

Christine on our team worked her magic, designing a stunning and flexible logo, and a delicate, established-looking website.

Freshie & Zero after the website redesign

Freshie & Zero website redesign by Aeolidia

The new website allows Beth to feature jewelry, news, or press, and makes it easy to browse the collection. The new product page, below, shows multiple shots of the jewelry, makes it easy to order different metals and necklace lengths, and features “you may also like” products.

Freshie  & Zero item page

I asked Beth for a little feedback about how her business was changed by working with us, and her response is why I have been working with creative businesses for almost a decade now. It is so rewarding to know that Aeolidia has helped a designer move forward confidently with her business and to prepare people for success. Beth says:

Hiring Aeolidia has been the starting point of so many steps forward in my business. I jumped in with both feet in every way possible to maximize the investment of a new site, and it’s been totally worth it.

First of all, on sheer aesthetics alone, the design of the new site is just beautiful! When it was revealed to me, I was relieved that it was so in tune with what I wanted but could never have envisioned or designed myself. The new logo perfectly fits the clean aesthetic of the jewelry – exactly what I needed to breathe new life into my brand. I love the color scheme and it has been fun to integrate it into my new marketing materials. Knowing I would need more dynamic photography to incorporate into the new site, I commissioned product photography for more creative shots of the jewelry – something I had wanted for so long, but it took hiring Aeolidia to actually act on it. On a whole, the site functions better and I have all of my google analytics properly installed so I can track keywords and referrals – quite useful!

The wholesale ordering functionality was also so worth the investment. My customers have happily taken advantage of it and it really streamlines the process! I also redesigned my trade show booth and packaging around the new look of Freshie & Zero and am happy to report that I had my best wholesale show ever with the new look!

Sales are up across the board, and it’s really a combination of two things: Aeolidia’s redesign of the website plus the motivation to market it from my session with Jena Coray [on the Aeolidia team]. After speaking with Jena, I knew that marketing was essential and something I was capable of doing. Unfortunately, I knew I was never actually going to do it because I just did not have the time. I had been coasting in my business for the last few years (having two babies will do that to you!), and it was time to actively market my brand again instead of just trying to keep up with demand. (I had already hired two production assistants, so I was better at keeping up with orders.) I had barely placed any ads in the last several years nor had I pitched anything to anyone! Now I have a beautiful website that better showcases my jewelry, so it made it easy and exciting to jump in and invest in a marketing strategy – I was ready to show it off!

I decided that when the trade show craziness started to wind down after Valentine’s Day, I would hire a marketing assistant to implement all the strategies I needed to propel my brand further. Now that I have that fabulous assistant on our team, we have worked together on pitching to the media, figuring out social media, and making advertising decisions. It’s fun to have help to bounce new ideas off with regards to our marketing. Since taking more time to market Freshie & Zero, I’ve gotten more inquiries from bloggers who are interested in a feature, more wholesale inquiries, more customer interaction, and dare I say, more respect from the media outlets I am currently pursuing. I would not have had the confidence to do this without Aeolidia’s site and logo redesign as a spring board. It was the catalyst I needed!

Thank you so much, Beth, for a peek into Freshie & Zero!

Ready for a before & after of your own?

We would love to talk with you about a website redesign, get you started with a marketing plan, or get your logo and packaging ready for the big time. Contact us at Aeolidia!

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1 thought on “Freshie & Zero Website Redesign”

  1. I hang on every word of your articles and try different things. I believe before I invest in a website I have to have the correct products and get the name Pushing-Papers out there. I have used outside help for as long as I can remember. Maybe I need a Marketing Specialist.


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