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Long-Form Product Pages: Selling Your Goods, Section by Section

by Christine Castro Hughes

September 27, 2022
long form product page for jewelry

There’s magic that happens in a brick & mortar store, when you can show a customer a product and tell them what makes it so special. As e-commerce shop owners, we don’t have the pleasure of speaking to our customers face to face, so instead we let our product detail pages do the talking for us.

Thankfully, Shopify’s Online Store 2.0 makes it easier than ever to piece together a robust long-form product page. Customizable Shopify sections are now available on all pages, not just the homepage. This means you can design product pages that include a lot more than the standard photo, description, and add to cart button.

What is a Long-Form Product Detail Page?

Long-form product detail pages consist of multiple sections down the page to help convert your customers. Elements may include a combination of well-crafted copy, feature icons, photo galleries or videos, customer reviews, or frequently asked questions, all designed to educate your customers and entice them to make the purchase.

Examples of Long-Form Product Detail Pages

Here are some examples from Shopify stores we’ve designed and developed recently.

How-To Guide

Hello Adorn Tiny Twist How-To

One of Hello Adorn’s top sellers is their Tiny Twist earring, a single earring designed to look like a double piercing. There’s a learning curve to putting these on for the first time, so we built a How-To section that only appears on the Tiny Twist earring product page. This not only provides much needed education to those about to buy their first pair, but it also acts as a spot customers can return to if they end up having additional questions once their earrings are in hand.

User-Generated Photo Gallery

Customer Gallery & Reviews on Cashmerette’s Product Page

For sewing pattern brand Cashmerette, social proof is a game changer. Their product pages include a photo gallery of real customers showing off real — beautiful! — garments sewn with Cashmerette’s patterns. This gives customers the confidence to make the purchase so that they can follow suit and make something beautiful, too.

Behind the Scenes / Process Gallery

Paper Mundi’s photo gallery of their process

Map art has a long history, but Paper Mundi creates custom illustrated maps using their own unique combination of hand painting and digital techniques. They give a behind-the-scenes peek into their special process with a simple gallery featuring high-quality photos and short descriptive captions.

Product Benefits & Features

Product Icons & Features on Smarty Pits’s Product Page

With so many natural deodorant options out there, it was important for SmartyPits to disclose the make-up of their products. Custom feature icons help potential buyers quickly decode these features and ingredients through an at-a-glance view.

Brand Values

Outlaw’s soaps, colognes, and body care don’t just smell good — they do good, too. Outlaw is serious about their values, which include USA manufacturing, sustainable packaging and production, and charitable contributions. Their long-form product pages feature an outline of their beliefs and a list of their values they call their Outlaw Promise.

Brand Personality

Playful Doodles & Pattern on Always Fits

For some brands, the visuals do a lot of the talking. Longer product pages also means more opportunities to infuse your personality, like the hand-drawn doodles, witty callout text, and colorful pattern on Always Fits.

Make Your Long-Form Product Plan

Not all shops need all the sections, so take some time for research and strategy to come up with a plan that makes the most sense for your business, customers, and products. While Shopify 2.0 has made it possible for you to make these changes across all products yourself, custom development may still be necessary if you need to create more than one long-form product detail template for your shop, if the features you want to add require code-intensive apps, or if you simply want our expertise in strategizing the best plan for your shop.

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