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Klaviyo Setup Service for Shopify Sites

by Arianne Foulks

May 19, 2023

You know you should be doing more with email marketing, but who has the time? Skip the learning and research to figure out how to boost open and click rates with our Klaviyo setup service.

Your email list is one of the most powerful marketing channels in your toolbox. In fact, the average ROI for email is well above 60:1, and it’s the one channel you have the most control over. When you’re doing well at email marketing, you’ll get over 30% of your sales from email, and 35% of that revenue can come from automation.

A great email strategy will yield better customer lifetime values, higher conversion rates, and immediately open new lines of revenue by giving your customers personalized messages and journey nurturing. If you want those kinds of results, though, you need to be genuinely engaging your list, and taking advantage of the more advanced features ecommerce-focused platforms have to offer.

Are you looking for help setting up Klaviyo (the most effective email software for Shopify), and creating a strategy to bring in more ecommerce sales? With Aeolidia, you get a team of experts, instead of one person trying to do it all. Your team will consist of an email strategist, an email template designer, and a copywriter.

Klaviyo setup service for an illustrator and stationery designer

Here’s what Kyle said after our Klaviyo setup service for her stationery shop:

I really love how my emails look now, and I love that the flows keep earning me money when I’m not even working. It’s like having a sales rep working for me at all times! 

Kyle Sommer, Sommer Letter Co.

Why do we use Klaviyo? Because it was built for ecommerce email marketing and has a deeper integration with Shopify than Mailchimp, Flodesk, and other email platforms.

Klaviyo setup service projects may include, but are not limited to:

  • Creating polished, high-end email designs, matching your aesthetic
  • Setting up ecommerce automations such as abandoned cart, purchase follow up, and/or re-engagement campaigns.
  • Setting up an automated series of ​onboarding ​emails, to immediately engage your most recent subscribers.
  • Creating segments within your list so you can send targeted email to just the right people.
  • Cleaning up old list data and setting up custom profile properties unique to your business.
  • Cleaning your mailing list of unengaged subscribers, to raise your conversion rates, save fees, and improve your deliverability to more valuable subscribers.
  • Protecting your sender reputation and deliverability when switching to Klaviyo from other email software.

Bottom line: If you feel like you aren’t taking advantage of all of Klaviyo’s powerful features, bring us in to make sure you are using email marketing to talk to your users at every touchpoint on the customer journey that is unique to your business.

Mobile design for handmade baby clothes company.
Check out our project for Baby Beau & Belle. Our Klaviyo work for them resulted in a 28X ROI on the cost of their project. 20% of their website revenue comes from email, and they make $5.19 per recipient on their welcome emails. Amazing!

Klaviyo Setup Service: Foundational Strategy

In the first month of our Klaviyo Setup & Strategy package, we work on account configuration and training, email template design, and fully building out the must-have flows with copywriting for 5-7 emails included. Essential flows include:

  • Welcome series
  • Cart abandonment
  • Browse abandonment

If you already have these flows, we work on three other important ones. The copywriting is usually for the welcome series or post-purchase emails. The template design is a very robust template, involving the design of a variety of “mix and match” content blocks so we (and you) can build many different layouts beyond the main template. We do your opt-in popup design, usually a 2 step popup with a pull-back tab.

Work is put into getting the account set up and configured properly including integrations with external platforms, establishing a segmentation strategy, and walking you through a process to warm up your account before sending any newsletters to the whole list – this is very important!

Klaviyo Setup Service: Automation Strategy

For the optional second month, we write and build 3-5 more flows based on the specific strategy for your business. The number of flows we can finish in that second month depends on how complex the flows are and how many emails they contain. Some flows we might handle in the second month are:

  • Post-purchase follow up
  • Customer winback
  • Sunsetting unengaged subscribers
  • Birthday or anniversary flows
  • Replenishment flows
  • VIP flows
  • …and more!

In the second month we also look at performance stats and show you how to use the reports in Klaviyo.

Klaviyo Setup Service: SMS Campaigns

With Klaviyo, you can create cohesive email and SMS campaigns and automations, all from the same admin tool, driving more sales and creating a direct connection to your customers by sending timely, personalized text messages.

Do you feel like texting your customers is too pushy? Klaviyo tells us that 85% of customers prefer to communicate directly to their favorite brands via text. Klaviyo has 8,000 customers using SMS, and they share these stats on how it will improve your sales:

  • The average return on investment for Klaviyo SMS is 24x
  • Merchants see a 37% lift in revenue when adding SMS to their abandoned cart flow
  • Klaviyo customers who added SMS increased their Klaviyo Attributed Value (KAV) by 12% in 30 days

Aeolidia can help you build your SMS contact list, pull in your customer data from your customer loyalty, coupons, and reviews apps, and help you with a strategy for timely, relevant text messages that will bring your most engaged customers back to your site over and over.

Get more details on what we do for our SMS service.

Ongoing Email Marketing Campaign Creation & Analysis

Once this is all set up and working, unless you have marketing staff, it makes sense to keep things going with our email marketing strategist, template designer, and copywriter to create regular email and SMS campaigns, review your stats, A/B test subject lines, improve deliverability, and continue to refine what makes the most money for your business.

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I was very happy with the design of my email templates. As a new Klaviyo user, I was very worried about the whole migration process as it’s a robust platform. Aeolidia made this much, much easier.

Regan Doely, Doe a Deer
Whispering Willow - email newsletter template design for a natural apothecary line.
Email newsletter template design for a skincare brand.

How It Works

Work with our team to plan and implement advanced Klaviyo strategies that will drive more profits and better customer lifetime values. We’ll kick things off with a phone call to talk about the kinds of conversations you’d like to have with your customers to increase engagement and sales. We’ll especially focus on ways to use automation and Klaviyo’s tight integration with your Shopify data so that your email campaigns are more targeted without requiring more of your time!

We will include tutorials that cover adding/editing content in the automation emails and sending emails to segments, too. That means you’re not left hanging when we wrap your project up. You’ll get a full-fledged demo, explanation of all the settings in the system, team training, and more.

These are some of the things you can expect when you work with us:

Email Design and Copywriting

We are able to assist with design work, copywriting and marketing strategy on these projects. Our copywriter will identify your key product features, imagine questions or issues a potential customer may have before making a purchase, and break down the barriers to purchase in a fun, engaging and story-telling way.

Our designer creates a template and styles reusable blocks so you can mix and match to build your own varied layouts from campaign to campaign. We’ll also walk you through how to use each block and explain the nuances of the Klaviyo email editor.

List Segmentation

It’s great to be able to deliver targeted messages to your customers with a personal touch. Klaviyo’s powerful segmentation tools allow you to tap into different types of customers and deliver them something that feels relevant and tailored.

A few examples of segments we’ve seen great success with are:

  • Big spenders.
  • Repeat customers.
  • Customers who purchased _____ (could be something like: product, category of product, certain product options, etc.).
  • Gift givers.
  • Subscribers who have never purchased.

Setting up these segments can be tricky, but we’ll be creating auto-updating segments for you AND helping you get comfortable doing it on your own down the road.

Automated Klaviyo Flows

The reason we love Klaviyo so much is because it talks efficiently with Shopify. There are powerful things you can do with automations that these systems offer, and you can trigger them based on subscription or ecommerce events.

Here are some ideas:

  • Welcome messages that can be a sequence of onboarding emails to familiarize new customers with your brand.
    Trigger: Email List Signup
  • Content tailored to products purchased and lifetime spend that makes use of user-specific, single-use expiring coupons and predicted date of next purchase.
    Trigger: Customer has not purchased since *date*
  • Longer abandoned cart sequences than what is available as part of Shopify.
    Trigger: Customer viewed product or added to cart *an amount of time ago*
  • An automatic post-purchase follow-up email promoting an item that coordinates with a recent purchase.
    Trigger: Customer purchased *product* and might be interested in *upsell or cross-sell*
  • A promotion sent on or before a customer’s birthday or first purchase anniversary.
    Trigger: Send to everyone on my list on *time frame* relative to their date of birth.

Audit of your Klaviyo Settings and General Housekeeping

In addition to everything above, we’re going to make sure that your integrations with Shopify, Google Analytics, and more are good to go. And of course, we’ll be making sure general best practices are being followed end to end.

How Quickly Does Klaviyo Strategy Pay Off?

Are you curious about the ROI of hiring Aeolidia to get you set up properly with Klaviyo? We can’t give a specific number since every business is different, but as a benchmark we expect the Klaviyo accounts that we set up will have at least 25% of their total Shopify revenue attributed to flows and campaigns in Klaviyo. For accounts that are already doing well, we are often able to push that to 30-40% or more. Learn more here: When to Hire a Klaviyo Expert For Your Creative Business

If your email sales channel doesn’t perform as well as that, let’s talk!

Hire Aeolidia to Help

Let’s do this now, before the holidays! Get rates for working with us on email marketing, and all of our other services below:

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Are you looking for a partner that can upgrade your brand and site, then stick around long term to optimize and maintain? Aeolidia is big enough to handle your complexities and small enough to be personally invested in your goals. Let's talk!

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