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Four Day Week Schedule

After reading all I could about the research on the four day work week, we decided it’s just the thing we needed to make us more productive. In 2022, we joined the 4 Day Week Global pilot program, and streamlined everything we do, with their support. I’m happy to say our trial was a success, and Aeolidia has moved permanently to the four day week.

What is a four day week?

The model we’re using is a 100:80:100 model. That means we pay our team 100% salary, complete work in 80% of the hours, and maintain 100% productivity. Companies do this successfully when they’re able to reduce unnecessary meetings, use technology to eliminate or reduce busywork, and improve processes. Our finance team has verified for us that we achieved this successfully in 2022 and 2023.

How does it work?

Fridays are our additional day off each week. Expect to hear from us during regular work hours Monday through Thursday. We still have the same amount of hours scoped for you and your project, and the quality continues to be up to our rigorous standards.

We kept our project types to the same number of weeks as usual, and in fact, with our recent focus on completing certain projects in a week, are constantly building the skills needed to complete 100% of your work in even less time than before.

Why this schedule?

Studies show that most companies who try this end up seeing equivalent productivity, or a boost in productivity. The research shows that cognitive ability, critical thinking and productivity all decline significantly when working for too many hours or days in a row. We want to keep everyone’s minds sharp and motivated to strategize on your project.

The aim of adopting a four day week is not to become a more laid-back place that does less. We have commitments to our clients, immediate needs, and long-term ambitions. Moving to a four day week is meant to help us achieve all of those more efficiently.

My goal is for Aeolidia to be a dream job for our employees, and a “dream hire” for you. This new schedule aligns well with our values, and it’s been exciting to see what we can do for you when we’re all at our best!

Would you like to know how we did this, and the results we’ve seen? Read our blog post, written a year and a half after making this change.

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